Saturday, 27 April 2013

The mallee tree

We found my twin...A MALLEE TREE. The mallee tree has no trunk on top of the ground but its trunks is hidden under ground. This is called a Tuber. This is because it has more room to store its water and if there is a fire the branches will burn but new ones will grow from the Tuber. We found over 5 speceis by their leaves and colour. But yesterday we found the most pretty one so far. It had a nice golden trunk and leaves that in the sunlight look silver.


  1. Well that Mallee tree certainly is a lot different to the one that Dad posted the photo of. It's golden trunk is beautiful. I'm glad you found a different species. It was interesting to learn that they store water underground in their Tuber.

  2. love your photos keep putting them up and savannah says hi and missing you heaps
    from courtney

  3. That tree is beautiful (especially the silvery trunk. Now we know why your mum and dad called you Mallee. x
